
Our policies and procedures

Strategies and Plans

Our strategies and plans set out what we will focus on to ensure North Lincolnshire remains a safe, well, prosperous and connected place to live and work.

The Council Plan

The Council Plan [2022-25] guides all of our activity, setting out the priorities we will concentrate on and the way we will work in order to deliver better outcomes across North Lincolnshire.

The Productivity Plan

The Productivity Plan outlines the council’s achievements, challenges, and priorities for improving our service design and delivery, efficiency and value for money.

We produce other strategies and plans that enable us to deliver on the Council Plan’s four priorities. You can read some of the key ones below.

Priority 1: Keeping people safe and well

Priority 2: Enabling resilient and flourishing communities

  • A Green Future [2021-30] – to create a cleaner, greener and more sustainable North Lincolnshire.
  • Local Transport Plan [2011-26] – to deliver improvements to the local transport network.
  • Youth Justice Plan 2024-25 [PDF, 2Mb] to enable children to live safe, successful lives and reduce their involvement in the criminal justice system.
  • Local Flood Risk Management Strategy [PDF, 2Mb] – to manage flood risks, including from surface run-off, groundwater and small rivers and streams.
  • Municipal Waste Management Strategy [2012-30] – to develop a more efficient and sustainable system of waste management, promote waste prevention and encourage reuse and recycling.

Priority 3: Enabling economic growth and renewal

  • Core Strategy [2011-26] – to determine the future pattern of development in North Lincolnshire and help make decisions on planning applications. A new Local Plan is currently in development that will eventually replace this strategy, guiding decisions and investment on development and regeneration up until 2036.
  • Economic Growth Plan [2023-28] – to deliver increased prosperity for North Lincolnshire by stimulating sustainable economic growth.
  • Skills and Employability Plan 2023-2028

Priority 4: Providing value for money for local taxpayers

  • Financial Strategy (including Budget [2023-24] and Medium-Term Financial Plan [2023-26] – to ensure we maintain a robust and financially sustainable position, achieve good value for money and keep council tax low.
  • Anti-Fraud and Corruption Strategy [2021] – to minimise the risk of fraud and corruption occurring and ensure effective action is taken when fraudulent activity is suspected and identified.

Policies and Procedures

Our policies and procedures govern how we operate, ensuring we make good decisions, deliver services effectively and respect you and your information.

We also have policies and procedures relating to our key responsibilities such as licensing, parking enforcement and planning. Policies and procedures concerning other services can be found on the relevant section of the website.


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