
Train to teach in North Lincolnshire

School-Centred Initial Teacher Training Partnership

North Lincolnshire School-Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) Partnership

Do you have passion and enthusiasm for working with children and young people? Are you looking for an inspiring and fulfilling career? Then teaching is the career for you.

We are a school centred initial teacher training provider in North Lincolnshire who offers a bespoke, high-quality, full-time, school-based teacher training programme. It is delivered in partnership with schools and academies across North Lincolnshire – along with dedicated school-based mentors and course tutors.

Our aim is to develop excellent, well-rounded teachers who not only understand their local community context but who want to proactively contribute to the future growth and development of the wider education community of North Lincolnshire.

Group of male and female teachers

What we offer

Teacher with children in class having fun

Our training

Two girls sat at their desk writing

Our curriculum

Humber Bridge spanning the River Humber

Our vision

About us

How to apply

Tuition fee/financial support/policies


Please contact Vicky Crossley, our Business Manager, she will be happy to answer any questions and queries you have.

Email: Vicky.Crossley@northlincs.gov.uk

Tel: 01724 297119

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