
School attendance and absence

Pay an education penalty, apply for a child performance licence, education inclusion, educating a child at home and what to do if you are moving out of the county.

Support to improve school attendance

You must make sure your child gets a full-time education that meets their needs. Children must get an education between the school term after their fifth birthday and the last Friday in June in the school year they turn 16. For the latest details please visit school attendance and absence on Gov.uk.

Each school has a named Education Inclusion Officer. They offer support to parents and carers and services to improve attendance at school. They also work closely with schools and a number of agencies to promote children’s welfare and their education.

If you have any concerns regarding your child’s attendance, please speak to the school so that they can look at ways of helping you.

If you need support or advice please contact us, even during school holidays.

Legal action to enforce school attendance

Schools and councils can use various legal powers if your child is missing school without a good reason.

Our priority is reducing absence from school as it reduces your child’s educational attainment chances and increases vulnerabilities and risks. Read the Penalty Notice Code Of Conduct [PDF, 210Kb]

Penalty notices fines for school absence are changing from 19 September 2024. Read the Penalty notice fines for school for further information. [PDF, 103Kb]

Further information

You can teach your child at home, either full or part-time. This is called home education (sometimes ‘elective home education’ or ‘home schooling’). For the latest details visit educating your child at home on Gov.UK

You must notify the school in writing if you wish to withdraw your child for educating at home. It is the responsibility of the school to inform the council.

We want all home educated children to have a positive experience. This can be achieved when we work together effectively. Please contact us if you would like a copy of our Elective Home Education policy.

We have parental responsibility for all children and young people who are in our care. We work with carers, professionals and schools to provide advice, support and training and to promote the educational achievement and aspirations of looked after children.

Children Missing Education (CME) are children of compulsory school age who are not registered pupils at a school and are not receiving a suitable education otherwise.

We want to ensure that all children of compulsory school age are safe and receiving suitable education. To avoid concerns regarding the whereabouts of a child, parents should keep the school well informed if the child is:

  • moving to a different area
  • moving to a different country
  • any other reason which would cause a child to be absent from the school where they are registered

As a parent, please ensure the school has details of the new address and proposed school.

If you are moving to North Lincolnshire you will need to apply for a school place.

If you would like to speak to the Education Inclusion team, please contact us, even during school holidays.

Laws exist to protect children and ensure they are not exploited if they have a part-time job while still at school. We are responsible for monitoring this and issuing children with work permits.

There are several restrictions on when and where children can work. For the latest details visit restrictions on child employment on Gov.uk.

If you need advice or wish to apply for a child permit please contact us, even during school holidays.

Laws exist which are designed to protect children’s welfare and prevent them from being exploited.

A child under school leaving age may need a licence if they take part in certain events. For the latest details visit performance licences for children and young people on Gov.uk

The person in charge of the event must apply for a child performance licence at least 21 days before the event. Please contact us to apply for a licence.

We provide support and advice for parents of excluded children and for your child. Please contact us if you need support.

Statutory guidance on the exclusion of pupils from authority maintained schools, academies and pupil referral units guidance is available on Gov.UK.

This guidance details the legal responsibilities for those who exclude students from educational settings, including:

  • headteachers
  • local authorities
  • governing bodies
  • academy trusts
  • independent review panel members
  • independent review panel clerks
  • special educational needs experts

Alternative provision settings are places that provide education for children who cannot go to a mainstream school.

We provide education for pupils who are permanently excluded from school (from day six of any such exclusion). We work with the school, pupil and their family to ensure suitable full-time education and support is in place.

We also arrange managed transfers and admissions into another mainstream schools or alternative provision. All personalised learning programmes are carefully planned providing every child or young person with a personalised education plan.