Find information about schools and colleges in North Lincolnshire.
Schools and colleges in North Lincolnshire
Information about North Lincolnshire schools and colleges can be seen by following the relevant links below.
There are 77 schools in North Lincolnshire:
Thirty-six of the primary and infant schools have nursery provision.
Three of the secondary schools have sixth-forms offering a wide range of courses and quality post 16 provision.
We also have two colleges in North Lincolnshire and a University Technical College.
To find schools in other areas use the ‘find and compare schools’ tool on GOV.UK.
Other sites of interest
- Government school finder service
- Ofsted inspection reports – Search for inspection reports for all types of providers
- Ofsted data view – Compare regional and local performance of schools, further education, social care and childcare providers
- Ofsted school data dashboards – The School Data Dashboard provides a snapshot of school performance at Key Stages 1, 2 and 4
- School performance tables – View school performance, characteristics and spend per pupil data and for academies, their latest set of financial accounts