My account
Jobs, business and regeneration
Leisure, sport and physical activity
Bins, waste and recycling
Schools, libraries and learning
Planning and environment
Council Tax, benefits and housing
Tourism, museums and the arts
Your council
Roads, paths and transport
People, health and care
Customers, information and advice
Maps and data
People, health and care
Services for children and young people
Services for children and young people
Keep children safe
Are you worried about a child?
Early Help Offer
Children’s Multi Agency Resilience and Safeguarding arrangements
Safeguarding disabled children
Family Hubs
What’s on at our Family Hubs?
Our Family Hubs
Advice and information
Activities for children and young people
Advice and guidance for young people
Careers advice
Getting involved
Looking after yourself
Physical activity youth
Children with disabilities
Caring for children with disabilities and their families
The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Local Offer
SENDIASS (free impartial advice for parents)
Direct payments for care
Children in care
Corporate parenting
Children’s homes
Supported lodgings
Contact us
Children’s advocacy
Contact us with compliments, comments or complaints
Accessing Personal Information
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