
Public Health in North Lincolnshire

Information about public health in North Lincolnshire.

About public health

Public health is concerned with the health of all North Lincolnshire’s residents. Public health helps people stay healthy, live happy lives and prevents illness. Broadly there are three areas relating to public health, which are:

  • Health Improvement – which contributes to increased life expectancy, healthier ways to live our lives and reducing health disparities
  • Heath Protection – which includes protection from infectious diseases and environmental hazards
  • Health services – which includes the planning for quality and accessible health and social care services.

COVID-19 Information:

See the council’s COVID-19 webpage for information.

Further information

The tabs below detail Public Health information, key functions and statutory reports:

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)

The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is a statutory requirement of the Health and Wellbeing Board.

The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) provides a picture of the current and future health and wellbeing needs of the local population.

In North Lincolnshire, the assessment of health and wellbeing forms part of a suite of documents which together create an integrated intelligence base about the place of North Lincolnshire, summarised within our wider Integrated Strategic Assessment.

The JSNA is for anyone with a professional or personal interest in Health and wellbeing or population factors affecting North Lincolnshire.

For any further information or enquiries, contact the team PHIU@northlincs.gov.uk


Needs Assessments and Summaries

Further reports which provide information on key health and wellbeing topics or key populations.

All ages


Children and Young People

Inequalities and Wider Determinants

In the table below are the children’s centre area profiles in pdf format. There is also a link to a html version for accessibility.

Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA)

The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) is a document which describes the current picture of pharmacy provision in North Lincolnshire.

This is a statutory requirement of the Health and Wellbeing Board and the assessment must be updated every three years. The current version is for the period 2022 to 2025.

The document is used by NHS England to make decisions about pharmacy provision and should be used by commissioners of services alongside the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA).

Supplementary Statements

A Supplementary Statement records changes to the provision of pharmacy services since the publication of the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment.

The Health and Wellbeing Board

The Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) brings together key leaders from the health and social care system. They work together to improve the health and wellbeing of the local population and reduce health inequalities. They are responsible for:

  • publishing a North Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Assessment
  • publishing a Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
  • promoting integrated working and joint commissioning across agencies.

For further information and copies of minutes please see the Health and Wellbeing Board page.

Children and Young People’s Lives Surveys

Public Health conduct surveys in collaboration with local schools and colleges to understand current health and wellbeing with our children and young people aged 9-19+. These surveys inform our JSNA and help schools develop their PSHE curriculum.

Below are the summary reports from some of the most recent surveys conducted with Primary, Secondary and Post 16 provisions in North Lincolnshire.

Secondary (11 – 16)

Primary (9-11)

College (16+)

Public Health services

Public health arrange for provision of services across North Lincolnshire to support people in living healthier lives. Signposting for these services is available from the Healthy Lifestyles page.

In addition, public health commission local open access sexual health services for North Lincolnshire.

Public health commission the provision of 0-19 health services within North Lincolnshire. Contact for the health visiting and school nursing services  is available on the RDaSH Health and Wellbeing website.

Public health are involved in the arrangement for weighing and measuring children, this is conducted through schools by school nurses.

Oral health care information and guidance is available on the Oral Health page.

Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Partners work together to make North Lincolnshire a healthy place to live where everyone enjoys improved wellbeing, and where inequalities are significantly reduced.

For further information please see the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy [PDF, 357Kb]

Parent and child looking at wild flowers

What is Live Well North Lincolnshire?

Live Well North Lincolnshire is an online information hub that provides information on a range of organisations, support groups, community groups, events, and activities that are available across the county.

With hundreds of services listed, LiveWell is a wealth of information at your fingertips.