If your child is being bullied, you need to contact your child’s school as soon as possible to arrange an appointment to meet with your child’s teacher or form tutor
Always try to be calm. The school will be keen to resolve the problem, but they may not be aware of the problem. In some cases, the causes may be very complicated
Be as clear as possible about what your child says has happened – give dates, places and names of others involved.
Ask if there is anything you can do to help your child or the school.
Ask to see the school’s anti-bullying procedure.
Make a note of what action the school intends to take.
Stay in touch with the school and let them know if the problem continues or if things improve.
Part of this process may involve the fact that your own child may need to change aspects of their behaviour. This is nothing to worry about. Schools need to ensure that the plans they put in place help your child to feel safe, and your child will have to take some responsibility for ensuring that this happens.