Information about the One Family Approach in North Lincolnshire.
About the One Family Approach
Our One Family Approach aims to create a system that works for all children, young people and families – where we work together to provide and commission integrated services for children and young people.
Our ambition is for children to be in their family, in their school and in their communities.
The Children’s Commissioning Strategy
The Children’s Commissioning Strategy refresh 2022 clarifies our integrated One Family Approach and commissioning intent in relation to health, social care and education for children, young people and families.
Helping Children and Families in North Lincolnshire
The Helping Children and Families in North Lincolnshire 2020-24 sets out how services support children, young people and families to participate, find help online and in their networks and communities, to be resilient, stay safe and independent. This includes a key role for the three safeguarding partners – Humberside Police, North Lincolnshire Health and Care Partnership and North Lincolnshire Council, and other relevant partners on how we safeguard children.
The Children’s Challenge
Through surveys and feedback, young people and families have identified some areas of focus to challenge local partners to work together to take action. They have also identified challenges for themselves. These challenges are set out in the Children’s Challenge refresh 2022 and have also helped to shape and influence the Children’s Commissioning Strategy refresh 2022.