
Could you open your heart and home to young people in North Lincolnshire?

Council News
11:12, Monday, 3rd March 2025

North Lincolnshire Council’s fostering team are looking for kind and compassionate individuals to step forward to do something outstanding and make a difference in the lives of children and young people with additional needs by becoming a Short Breaks + foster carer.

Short Breaks + foster care provides support to parents and carers who care for a child with additional needs or a disability by offering a short break in their own home. This may include day care, an overnight stay, or longer periods during school holidays.

A parent of a young person who accesses Short Breaks +, said: “He can be himself and feels safe as he is with children that have similar or the same needs as him. He really enjoys it.”

Short Breaks + foster carers are part time roles and are offered the same level of support and training as that of a full-time foster carer, which includes:

• A nominated fostering social worker who will provide regular support and supervision
• Practical support and advice via support groups
• Comprehensive training to understand the role, caring for children and young people with disabilities on a wide range of subjects.

Cllr Julie Reed, cabinet member for children, families, and communities, said: “Having a range of flexible options for short breaks for our children is essential as every child is unique. Short Breaks + gives parents and carers a much needed worry free break as they know their child is being cared for in a safe and nurturing environment; creating fun memories and building vital relationships to help them to grow and flourish.

“The support offered to our children by our outstanding Short Breaks + foster carers is an inspirational lifeline for the children and the families. By becoming a Short Breaks + foster carer, you will be a part of a vital support system that empowers children, strengthens families, and truly makes a difference within your community.”

One North Lincolnshire Short Breaks + foster carer, said: “I chose to become a foster carer for multiple reasons; I wanted to contribute in a meaningful way, having a child with complex needs myself means I feel that I understand how challenging it can be at times…[also] wanting to use our skills to provide a service that makes a difference to people in our community.”

Throughout March, drop-in sessions have been organised within the local community for people to ask any questions and find out more.

The sessions are being held at:

Waters’ Edge Country Park, Barton upon Humber, DN18 5JR on Friday 14 March from 10.30am to 2.30pm
Happy cafe, Sandtoft, DN9 1PN on Thursday 20 March from 10am to 2pm
• Street Velodrome, Church Square, Scunthorpe on Saturday 22 March from 11am to 4pm
The Pods, Scunthorpe, DN16 1AA on Wednesday 26 March from 10am to 2pm
• Online Information Evening on Wednesday 26 March from 6.30pm to 8pm. Register to attend via Eventbrite.

Another Short Breaks + foster carer said: “Being a Short Breaks+ foster carer is the most rewarding thing we have ever done, and as it’s short breaks we can still have some time for ourselves and our family.

“I would absolutely encourage someone to foster as a Short Break carer for children with disabilities. It introduces you to fostering and the world it encompasses.”

If you have room in your heart and home to help a child thrive, the team want to hear from you.

To find out more about becoming a Short Breaks + foster carer, visit the fostering webpage, email fostering@northlincs.gov.uk or call 01724 297024.