
Local Land Charges Register

Find out how to apply for a search of the local land charges register.

From 5pm on the 22nd May 2024 we will no longer provide a local land charges search service.
After this date, our Local Land Charges Register will have migrated to HM Land Registry’s national register. You will be able to access a new digital service through Portal, Business Gateway and on HM Land Registry’s GOV.UK pages.
North Lincolnshire Council will continue to provide replies to Con29 enquiries.

Local land charges and searches

A local authority search forms part of the standard conveyancing process when you buy land and/or property.

These searches tell you about any restrictions relating to the land or property (for example tree preservation orders, whether the property is in a conservation area) and about any relevant external factors (for example new roads).

Apply for a local authority search

There are a few different ways you can apply for a search. These include:

We aim to return searches within 10 days from receipt of payment. Please note we do not accept searches via the post. Payments can be made online or via BACS. We do not accept payment by cheque.

For advice and guidance on buying and selling a home visit how to buy a home on Gov.UK and how to sell a home on Gov.UK.

Individual domestic and residential properties

Standard search fee for:

CON29 – £65 plus £13 VAT

Part two – enquiries

CON29O (optional enquiries) – enquiries four to 22 when submitted with full search – £15 plus £3 VAT per question

CON29O (optional enquiries) when submitted on its own – £15 plus £3 VAT per question plus a £10 admin fee (inclusive of VAT)

Commercial, industrial, agricultural / land and other searches

The standard fees set out above plus an additional £70.

If the search process is estimated to exceed the normal timescale, then a further £70 per hour is required. The local land charges team will advise of the fee. This is calculated at £70 per hour (inclusive of VAT).

Personal search guidance

Understanding of the personal search processes and the local land charges register is necessary in order to carry out a personal search. It is the responsibility of the person carrying out the personal search to inspect the records available to retrieve the required information. North Lincolnshire Council does not provide written information and does not respond to requests for verbal information. Personal searchers must be equipped to write down all the information they require. We are not liable for any information that is taken down incorrectly by a personal searcher.

How to make a personal search

Please email landcharges@northlincs.gov.uk to apply for access to the land charges registers.

There is no fee payable for a personal search of the land charges registers.

Drainage information enquiries

Drainage records for North Lincolnshire are held by Severn Trent Water and Anglian Water (Geodesys act on behalf of Anglian Water) who can be contacted at the following addresses:

Severn Trent Searches

PO Box 10155

Contact: enquiries@seventrentsearches.com


Anglian Water

Geodesys Conveyancing Searches
PO Box 485
PE29 6YB

Contact: customer.service@geodesys.com


Highways / Traffic

The Highway Development / Traffic teams are based at 8-9 Billet Lane, Normanby Enterprise Park, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN15 9YH.

The Highway adoption records can be viewed on our website.

For traffic information please contact traffic@northlincs.gov.uk

For  road proposals within 200 metres of the property please check any relevant planning application.

Development Management team

All information relating to planning is available from the Development Management team based at Church Square House, 30-40 High Street, PO Box 42, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN15 6XQ.

Planning information from the year 2005 can be viewed on our website.

Planning information prior to the year 2005 can be viewed on the computer in the reception at Church Square House, 30-40 High Street, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN15 6NL.

Contact planning@northlincs.gov.uk for any planning related queries.

Building Control team

The Building Control team is based at Church Square House, 30-40 High Street, PO Box 42, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN15 6XQ.

Notice is required for an appointment and notification of properties to be searched against.

Contact: buildingcontrol@northlincs.gov.uk

Environment team

The Environment team is based at Church Square House, 30-40 High Street, PO Box 42, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN15 6XQ.

The following registers are held by this department:

  • Public rights of way (definitive map held in paper and electronic form)
  • The common land register (paper form)
  • Tree preservation orders (electronic form)

Notice is required for an appointment and notification of properties to be searched against.

Contact: environment.team@northlincs.gov.uk

Environmental Health

The Environmental Health team is based at Church Square House, High Street, PO Box 42, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN15 6XQ.

Records relating to the following are held by this section:

  • Contaminated land
  • Radon gas
  • Issues relating to housing, public health, health and safety and environmental protection.

For appointments and enquiries contact environmental.health@northlincs.gov.uk

Spatial Planning team

The Spatial Planning team is based at Church Square House, 30-40 High Street, PO Box 42, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN15 6XQ.

All spatial planning services are based on the information in the North Lincolnshire

The Local Plan can be viewed on our website and hard copies can be viewed at the council offices.

Contact: Spatial.planning@northlincs.gov.uk

Property Assets team

The Property Assets team should be contacted for any enquiries concerning Assets of Community Value. The team is based at Church Square House, 30-40 High Street, PO Box 42, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN15 6XQ.

All properties listed are shown on our website.

Contact: PropertyAssetTeam@northlincs.gov.uk

Drainage / Flooding team

Contact the Drainage / Flooding team for any enquiries concerning flood, coastal erosion, flood defence and land drainage consents. The team is based at 8-9 Billet Lane, Normanby Enterprise Park, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN15 9YH.

Contact: LLFADrainage@northlincs.gov.uk