Find information for new staff at North Lincolnshire Council, excluding schools. If you work in a school, the key policies and documents relevant to you will be sent to you directly and can also be accessed from the school office.
Key policies and documents
If you are new to the council, you are strongly advised to read the following policies and key documents. These are referenced in your Written Statement of Particulars of Employment:
- Adoption Scheme [PDF, 144Kb]
- Annual Leave[PDF, 293Kb]
- Attendance Management [PDF, 483Kb]
- Code of Practice Employees Interests Gifts Hospitality [PDF, 282Kb]
- Digital Technologies Policy [PDF, 1Mb]
- Disciplinary [PDF, 455Kb]
- Employee Code of Conduct [PDF, 119Kb]
- Grievance [PDF, 201Kb]
- Induction and Probation [PDF, 203Kb]
- Maternity Scheme [PDF, 140Kb]
- Parental Bereavement Leave [PDF, 151Kb]
- Paternity and Maternity Support Scheme [PDF, 356Kb]
- Shared Parental Leave [PDF, 151Kb]
- Special Leave [PDF, 280Kb]
- Working Time [PDF, 206Kb]
Please contact us for further information.