Housing advice for tenants, landlords, homeowners and professionals.
How we can help
Contact us if you have any questions or problems about housing. We are happy to assist tenants, homeowners and landlords with any issues you might have. Please note that we are not qualified to give legal advice. You will need to speak to a solicitor if you have any legal questions.
All initial enquiries will be dealt with by a housing advice officer. If an appointment is required, it will be made at the time of the call.
Self help on HomeChoice Lincs
The self help option on HomeChoiceLincs is a tool is for North Lincolnshire residents only. It will ask you a series of questions and then guide you through the different options you can explore to improve your housing situation.
Home or hospital visits can also be arranged where necessary.
You can also contact the housing charity, Shelter for free housing advice on 0808 800 4444
The Housing Advice Team Statistics [PDF, 158Kb] includes information about contacts, homeless preventions, homeless acceptances and temporary accommodation figures.