Committee details

Schools Forum

Purpose of committee

The Schools Forum takes decisions on a range of issues relating to the funding of schools.  It has 21 members.  They are headteachers, governors and non-school representatives.  School members and academy members make up at least two-thirds of the membership of the forum.


Meetings of the Schools Forum are open to the public, except for any confidential matters that will be discussed within a closed meeting.  The Chair will decide if any item is confidential.


Meetings of the Schools Forum are held both as ‘Remote’ (virtual) Meetings, through Microsoft Teams and face to face at the council offices. 


Meetings usually start at 2pm and are public meetings.  When a meeting is held virtually it can be listened to/observed through a ‘live link’ to the meeting available on our website.  If you wish to put a question to the Schools Forum, please contact the Secretary to the Schools Forum on 01724 296433 or 297000.


The Schools Forum operational and good practice guide on includes information about the obligations and duties of a Schools Forum.




