Find out about infant mental health (babies to age two).
The mental health of babies
The mental health of babies is as important as it is for older children and for adults. If babies receive responsive and loving care, they learn that the world is a safe place. This helps them to manage their emotions and form positive relationships as they grow and develop. It prepares them for exploration and learning as toddlers and children.
Evidence demonstrates the importance of the period from conception to age two in terms of laying the foundations for later life. This includes physical and mental health, language development and learning. Early emotional wellbeing is a key factor in determining the extent to which individuals will make the most of life’s opportunities. This includes education, and how they will manage later relationships with partners and their own children. Investing in the development of a loving, trusting and secure relationship between parent and baby is crucial for later outcomes.
All parents and carers can access support regarding caring for their babies from their midwife, health visitor or children’s centre.